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Re: Rust.

Publicado: Mié Jul 15, 2015 7:14 pm
por Kollins
Tenemos que jugar un server RP.
I recently started playing on an RP Faction server and it has basically fixed all the problems I had with vanilla rust. In normal rust people kill you on sight 95% of the time. You get raided randomly by people you never speak to or know exist. You generally don't have relationships with others on the server. The RP encourages you to improve relations with your neighbor. You make alliances and claim land. You declare war if you want to raid and conquer land. Indies (people who do not belong to a faction) create cities and become merchants or mercenaries. They have shops and trade goods. The community is very friendly overall.
Honestly RP Rust has made Rust playable for me. Feel free to ask me any questions.

How is the RP element get enforced? Are there police officers?
How do people get raided in the server? How does the interaction between groups and players goes?

How is the RP element get enforced? There are server rules to ensure that all things are done within RP. An example of this is you cant just go around killing people randomly, you need to RP. If I say I am a rogue bandit that is psychotic, then I can. However the way the community works is others will RP and warn others there is a mad lunatic randomly killing people and some factions would probably team up to go out and kill you.
If someone wants to go to war, the faction must make a declaration of war on the subreddit. After the war is done with, many times a neutral faction will hold a peace negotiation meeting in person.
Interaction between players hostile or friendly are awesome. If they are friendly there is trading and RP. For example, people regularly conduct business with each other to get items or bps they need. Hostile factions usually rp talk shit to each other in chat and try to turn your friends against you. For example my faction is a religious faction so they called us religious nut jobs that must be purged from the server and what not. We said they were tyrannical terrorists that will be cleansed from the server ect ect.
Indies (players that do not belong to a faction are dealt with differently by each faction. Some are friendly to them, others or hostile, depending on their rp. Some may let you build freely, while other may choose to tax you if you want to stay on their land.


La unica cagada, no creo que haya server piratas de RP. Lo mas probable es que cuando vuelva de las vacaciones me voy a terminar comprando el Rust


This isn't your typical rust server. We expect people to maintain a certain level of roleplay (RP) on the server. That means participating in game play that adheres to the established community and not as if you were playing on a battlefield server. Keep to RP and you'll do fine.

Hacking will not be tolerated. Anyone caught hacking will be banned permanently with no questions asked.
If you think a Player is hacking, PM an Admin. If you have solid proof that a player is hacking, PM an Admin.
If you REPEATEDLY, FALSELY and PUBLICLY accuse players of hacking without proof you will be BANNED.
No harm will come to you as long as you keep this private between you an the Admins, be it just an accusation or solid proof of the fact.
Exploiting bugs that provide a gaming advantage will not be tolerated and will result in an instant, permanent ban.

A minimum of 3 players to a faction.
Factions must announce their factions on the subreddit.
Factions must declare their wars on the subreddit.
All faction members must use the clan plugin to create tags ingame. ex:[BOR], [BEAR], [GOON]

Independent Players
Indies must create a service for the factions (merchant, bounty hunter, assassin, etc.) or contribute positively to the community. (unique buildings or experiences)

KOS (Killing on Sight)
KOS may only take place in the context of RP, such as someone not complying with faction laws, a request, or event.
KOS is allowed between warring factions.
KOS is allowed at rad towns and airdrops.
Remember, isolated KOS is inevitable. So unless there is a chronic KOSer that needs to be dealt with please turn the altercation into an RP event.
Anyone constantly complaining in public about KOSing will be warned to stop. If it continues they will receive a ban.
Sleepers can always be killed.

Raiding is not allowed without a declaration of war being made on the subreddit using appropriate flair.
Indies cannot raid.
Indies who live on a factions land can be raided by that faction, or any faction they (the land owning faction) are at war with.
When a faction buys a mercenary (indie), the mercenary temporarily becomes apart of that faction. Temporarily allowing the indie to raid with the faction.

Land Claims
Cabinet perimeters cannot overlap a factions border.
Tool cabinets may not be placed as to be inaccessible to raiding parties.
During open conflict (when war has been declared) territory can be captured by taking over another faction’s tool cabinets and removing the other factions doors.
Map Claims
Factions who make their borders clearly distinct in game (use of barriers/walls/signs) may produce and ENFORCE their own laws.
Factions must declare these laws on the subreddit.

Cities will be created and managed by players.
Laws for the cities will be created and managed by players.
Protection of the cities will be managed by the players.

Placing unwanted items on or around another players base/building is considered griefing.
Blocking doorways with any material (on offense or defense) is prohibited.
Griefing will be investigated by admins.
Players who are caught griefing repeatedly will be banned.

General Rules
Rad town suicide runs are considered exploiting.
In the spirit of protecting the no elevator rule, all stairs in homes MUST be a minimum of WOOD.
Players should mark OOC (out of character) chat with * * ex: * Hey Ricky, did you see that ludicrous display last night? *
Be respectful to other players.
Harassment and abuse of other players outside the realm of gameplay is prohibited.
Music and sound effects are allowed but should be used sparingly. If a player asks you to stop, stop.
Complaining about KOS/players/rules in chat is prohibited. Keep it open for questions, RP, and casual chit-chat.
Players complaining in chat will be kicked.

Re: Rust.

Publicado: Mié Jul 15, 2015 8:59 pm
por Cervantes
Bueno, si encuentran un server RP aviso que mi personaje sera un duro bandido que es sicotico, es decir un tipico miembro de la flota xD

Re: Rust.

Publicado: Mié Jul 15, 2015 9:25 pm
por Cerritouru
Servers como esos hay en todos los juegos, incluso en el dayz, donde KOS no esta permitido y todo eso, pero luego viene un troll y arruina todo, luego viene otro y otro hasta que la gente se pudre y se va.

No se, la idea esta genial, y ojala que fuera funcional.

Re: Rust.

Publicado: Mié Jul 15, 2015 9:49 pm
por Kollins
El server funciona hace 1 año (desde Legacy) y tiene unos 40 jugadores en hora pico por lo que lei.

Para mi es la mejor forma de disfrutar de cualquier survival online, el rol le agrega el aspecto realista que le falta.

Tiene whitelist y es americano, por lo que compartimos casi los mismos horarios

Ahora esta casi lleno 45/50.

http://map.playrust.io/?rustfactionsrp. ... .com:28016

Re: Rust.

Publicado: Jue Jul 16, 2015 10:07 am
por Cerritouru
La idea sin dudas esta genial y es como tendrian que ser los juegos survival, y no una simple arena de PVP abierta.

Yo estoy re interesado en el Arma III life: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=P ... nB1thMJpsU